If you have a business then you have a brand.
So here’s a question. Is your brand where you want it to be?
Does your audience know exactly what you do and what they can buy from you, right now?
Do you?
Because if you don’t, then you are not marketing effectively and your bottom line will be nowhere near what it could – or should – be.
But you’re in the right place. Because helping people get real, laser-clear clarity in who they are as a brand, how to package it, market it and sell it effectively is what I do.
In case you hadn’t figured it out yet, I’m G.
When it comes to branding, I know my stuff. With over two decades in the industry, a degree, a chunk of teaching experience and over 500 brands designed since I set up independently, you’d damn well hope so.
But that’s not why people like you love working with me (though all of it helps).
When you work with me, I see you. I’m a big old queer and an autistic one at that – both things that have seen me left out in the cold before. I know what it’s like to feel invisible. So I know how much being seen for who you really are matters.
It really, really matters.
And that’s what I do.
I see you.
Every month I hold a few spots open for 1:1 Brand Coaching.

What is Brand Coaching?
It’s me. 1:1 with you. In your face and in your court, cutting through the waffle and making sure you get clear and stay clear so you can capitalise on the brilliance in your brand.
Every 1:1 call we have will leave you clear and focussed with actionable, hands-on work laid out. This work will be designed to help you open up new audiences, build awareness and trust, launch new products effectively and ultimately, make you more money.
When you work with me, everything we do is about you.
It’s about who you are, why what you do matters, who you serve and why you are utterly brilliant at it.
We take all of that and weave it into a brand voice and clear, brand messaging that is all you.
We make you seen.
And we make you seen exactly the way you want to be… the way you deserve to be. Because I coach you through the process of getting what’s in your head out of it in a way that communicates really fucking clearly with your people.
Every new offer, every new idea, we take on board each month. We assess it and – as long as it fits – we weave it into the brand identity that we have already established.
This way, over time instead of flitting from post to pillar you build a strong, cohesive set of offers that make sense, that are a joy to deliver and that people rave about.
Your brand grows.
Your business grows.
Your confidence grows.
And your bank balance grows.
(Other things may also grow but I’m offering no guarantees.)
If this sounds like something you could do with, you get to call the shots.
Hopefully if you’re considering brand coaching with me then you already know me, my style, and the results I get. I’m quite happy for you to jump in and book. However, we do need to recognise that working like this – and you investing in me like this – is significant. This is you and me embarking on a meaningful relationship. And all good relationships start with a conversation.
You can start ours now, if you wanna:
How much does it cost?
Six hours of 1:1 brand coaching with G
£1350 + VAT
These six hours of 1:1, highly focused brand coaching can be booked in one or two-hour blocks (or a combination of these depending on your needs) over a three-month period. You get full access to me plus any of my training resources (including those that are otherwise paid) that will help you to explode your brand.
These sessions can be paid for in one block or with an interest-free split-pay option of 3 monthly payments.
So, what do you get?
You get the chance to work through your ideas, hone them and make sure they’re exactly what your audience want to see from your brand next.
You get the extra creative brain applied to you and your business, taking your ideas and exploding them.
You get the experience I have getting products to market, quickly and efficiently.
You get my contacts and my network.
You get all of my courses, should you want them.
You get me – and everything I can bring – on your team.
And how do we do that?
We have six hours of intensive brand strategy calls together, to be split into one or two hours blocks over a three month period.
You get me, by message and email, as you need me (in working hours).
We both commit to three months, but the door is always open if you’d like to start a new three month cycle down the line.
Don’t want a three-month commitment but still want a solid dose of G magic in your business?
You can grab a session on the fly if you want!
£500 + VAT
For a standalone 2-hour session
£250 + VAT
For a standalone 1-hour session
Sound good but still need some reassurance?
Then let’s talk.
All coaching prices are exclusive of VAT
This is what Peter has to say about his experience working with G:
The last 12 months have been really hard, made harder by the fact I lost the majority of my “regular” income since lockdown (I work in events).
It was the lowest I’ve ever been. In a last ditch attempt to salvage stuff I reached out to people – G being one of them. I asked them all, do you have anything you think could help me – mentoring, resources etc That’s how I ended up signing upwith G.
Best money I have ever spent on personal development!
Have I implemented everything? No.
Have I somehow transformed myself into a super confident human? Also no.
But what I have done is got clear on who I am, who I serve, and how to communicate that. I’ve learned that people I assumed would not be interested in my business, are interested.
My offer wasn’t bad.
My skills are valuable.
I’ve gone from having almost no income, and in all honesty struggling, to regularly bringing in not only enough to live, but to thrive, and doing so regularly. that’s before you take into account any of my event work.
I’m BRILLIANT at what I do. My problem was I was hiding my best stuff under the counter. I was hiding because I didn’t really know who I was. What I was. I was fearful of what would happen if the real me slipped out.
Now, I’m not hiding, because I’ve learned how to communicate what I do.
Thank you G, for everything. Truly you are a lifesaver!
Video by Pete