How do you feel about getting your hands dirty?


I don’t mean in the literal ‘let’s go dig in mud’ sense, but are you willing to get stuck in yourself when it comes to creating everything that goes into your visual brand?

If you’re not, then this isn’t the offer for you – you should go check out the Essential or Comprehensive offers where I do all the heavy lifting.

But if you’re not ready (or not yet able) to invest at the level of the intensive sessions but you ARE up for learning how to take a core brand design and apply it to all the headers, covers, documents and post templates you could possibly need, then read on.

This one is for you.

The Brand Bootcamp is a hybrid Done-With-You and Do-It-Yourself offer. You still get to work with me 1:1 to create your logo design, starter graphics, colours and fonts, but after that instead of me creating all of your other brand assets you get training in how to do it yourself.

I also stay on hand to support you as you get to grips with it all, not just by providing the training and the Canva templates for everything you need, but by also inviting you to the free, fortnightly drop-in clinics in the Brand Hacks Facebook Group. These Zoom calls give you a chance to get feedback on your designs, work through any technical challenges and give you the reassurance that you’re not just being left on your own with your new brand baby to fend yourself.

Here’s how it works:

We have a chat to make sure it’s going to be a fit for you (my messenger is open for this any time).

Once we’ve had a chat, you sign up, you book in your design session and you crack on with the pre-design-session prep that I will give you.*

We get together for a 90 minute, whistle-stop, 1:1 design session, we collaboratively design your logo and nail down your fonts, colours and textures in that time.

You get a sexy little googledrive with said logo file saved in several formats, your textures and a brand guide listing your fonts and colours for ongoing reference.

You get a whole bundle of Canva templates made by me, plus training videos to show you how to apply your brand to them. Imagine this a bit like a Netflix-style online course – a whole series of templates and tutorials that you can dip in and out of at any time.

If you need more G input you can also come along to the free Get Your Sh*t Together sessions that happen very two weeks in the Brand Hacks Facebook group. 

*If you need more support preparing for your brand design session you may also want to book a Brand Prep Workshop too. (More on this below.) 

How much is it for a Brand Bootcamp?


All in (VAT is included)

Because of all the training, templates and support, less time 1:1 with me does not mean less quality, less personality, or less professionalism.

It does mean fewer assets designed by me, but that’s why the training and templates exist.

Not only do you get a brand designed by me but you also get to learn how to apply it everywhere. You get templates and training which means that you can continue to evolve your visuals as your business grows with no additional expenditure.

It’s perfect for those setting up, those who are evolving and those who need to make sure everything they do looks bl**dy awesome but are also still needing to be able to do the bulk of the work themselves.

This is how I help you to do that, to develop your Canva skills and to train you up with enough design theory to make sure everything you put out into the world looks professional and sells you well.

Sound good?

Then drop me a message and we can get the ball rolling.

Brand Prep Workshop

Brand Prep Workshops are 90 minute 1:1 workshop sessions held over Zoom. These sessions are at a reduced rate because they are only available in the run-up to a Brand Bootcamp (or an Essential Brand). They exist so that – if you need it – you have a space to work through your brand name/s, structure, messaging and offers in advance of your design session so you are as well prepared as you can be and you will be able to make maximum use of your design time.

How much is it for a Brand Prep Workshop and Brand Design Session?


All in (VAT is included)