When you own your own business you are the centre of it. Your passions, your skills, your unique insights and your years of experience all combine into one beautiful and unique offer that no-one else can match.

That really, really matters. No-one knows your brand like you do – even if you don’t know it yet. ????

Because you do know your brand. I have got decades of experience in working with my clients, climbing inside their brains with them to dig out all the brand gems that are hiding in there. Then, together, we bring them out and we create the visual language that shows the world exactly how brilliant you are.

I ONLY work this way.

If you want ‘just a logo’… then I am not the designer for you.

If you want me to come up with a bunch of magical designs for you to choose between without ever having to meet me face to face (albeit virtually)… then I am not the designer for you.

If you want to step up, lay yourself bare and create the brand that you’ve always known you had in you, then I already think I like you. You sound like my kind of person.

There are three ways you can work with me to design your brand:


90 minutes of intensive, 1:1 collaborative brand design

Your logo*, colour palette, fonts and brand guide

Up to two sub-logos (eg one group and one product)

A full suite of pre-prepared Canva templates for social media branding, social content, brochures, quotes, presentations and more

Library of video training and demos on how to apply your branding to your templates – and to everything you do

Cost: £695

*This option is designed as a starter set. If you are looking for a more detailed logo, such as those featuring symbolism, sacred geometry or complex typography, the Essential Brand may be more appropriate. If you are unsure which is the best option for you, just book a call and we can work it out together.  

NOTE: This session is for brand design only. If you need support preparing for this session you may also want to book a Brand Prep Session. 

Essential Brand

Four hours of intensive, 1:1 brand planning and collaborative design

Brand mapping

Your primary logo and visual brand toolkit, including colours, fonts and brand guide

Up to five sub-brands (such as groups, products or services)

Branding for up to 3 social channels

Bespoke social post Canva templates designed for you

Bespoke brochure Canva template designed for you

A full suite of pre-prepared Canva templates for social media branding, social content, brochures, quotes, presentations and more

Library of video training and demos on how to apply your branding to your templates – and to everything you do

Cost: £1595

NOTE: This session is for brand design only. If you need support preparing for this session you may also want to book a Brand Prep Session.



Brand ExperienceE

A full day of intensive, 1:1 brand coaching and collaborative design

Brand mapping and brand story workshop session

Your primary logo and visual brand toolkit, including colours, fonts and brand guide

Up to ten sub-brands (such as groups, products or services)

Branding for up to five social channels

Social post templates

Story templates

Brochure template

Thumbnail template (YouTube) if needed

Slide deck if needed

Podcast cover art and episode promo post template if needed

Printed product, such as a journal, if needed

Additional hand over session to deliver final artwork and provide initial training to you/your team as needed

Cost: £3750

Brand Prep Sessions

Brand Prep Sessions are 90 minute 1:1 workshop sessions held over Zoom. These sessions are at a reduced rate because they are only available in the run-up to a Brand Bootcamp or an Essential Brand. They exist so that – if you need it – you have a space to work through your brand name/s, structure, messaging and offers in advance of your design session so you are as well prepared as you can be and you will be able to make maximum use of your design time.

Cost: £245