G here. I’m in need right now. And I’m asking for your help.
If my Facebook content ever helped you learn something, understand something new, think differently, feel supported, or heard, or inspired you I’m reaching out to you now to see if any of that good favour can be reciprocated.
Because I’m stuck. I have a problem I can’t fix on my own. I do however have absolute faith in the power of community and collective intention.
AKA: You.
Can you spare a few minutes or a bit of your online space to help me out please?
On Saturday 31st August, a little after 4pm BST, my Facebook account was hacked. In seconds, the hackers took control of my account, changed the email, phone number and password leaving me unable to contact Meta in any way because I could no longer log in.
Now, I have some things to be thankful for. I immediately cancelled my associated bank card so they were unable to access any funds. And I’m guessing they quickly decided it was time to move on because of this but before they left they linked my FB account to a different Instagram account that doesn’t abide my Insta’s rules. As a result, my Facebook account has been suspended, as has my business linked Instagram account.
My Facebook account is currently in that suspended/disabled state and I have 180 days (which works out to being until December 27th) to appeal this suspension.
But I cannot appeal because I cannot get hold of Meta.
I have reported the hacking to Action Fraud and it has been escalated to the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau and we have a crime reference number.
If you have been in my world for more than five minutes you will know what a special place my corner of Facebook was. I have spent years creating content to help share, educate and celebrate, and I have 15 years worth of personal memories on there to boot. It’s also where – up until now – I have generated 90% of my revenue. So I am not letting this one go.
Here’s where you come in. There are three things I would LOVE for you to do.
- Share this appeal for help and help make as much noise as possible
- Connect with me everywhere else
- Help me reach Meta
This is how you can do all of these things:

Share this appeal!
If you reached here via a social post then please go back through the thread you found it on and re-share the original post.*
Tag Meta in every share an invite others to join this campaign.
Use #getgback to help spread the word and help us keep track.
I’m giving away a free branding session to whoever helps me get my account back. If mass tagging and sharing does the job then I’ll do a draw for it with everyone I can find who helped share this story.

Connect with me everywhere else!
Facebook is my primary home and network. By heck, I miss you lot. Please help me populate my other channels so I don’t miss out on all your glorious adventures too much.
..You can find me on LinkedIn here.

Help me reach Meta!
If you have any personal connections within Meta, please reach out!
Email AND tell them what has happened. Ask for the hacker account listed below to be disconnected from mine and for my accounts to be reinstated.
If you are Meta Verified, or have an Ads account on either Facebook or Instagram, log into Business Manager and navigate through the help sections until you reach a real person, then tell them about this.
This is the information to share is:
The time and date of the hacking – between 4 and 5pm on BST August 31st.
The Instagram account that the hacker linked to mine is called ‘phoannhan6130’ and it is now suspended. It needs to be unlinked from my accounts, which are:
- Facebook: gsabiniroberts
- Instagram: brandingbyg
Once this link is removed, request that my accounts are be reinstated.
For what it’s worth, I had paid-for Meta Verification on my Facebook account until it was disabled. It doesn’t seem to have done me any good whatsoever.
*Please be careful here. If you’ve seen of the posts that have already been shared out there about this you will see the absolute barage of scam messages that come with every post asking things like this. It’s horrendous. And it’s a lot. Please only share if you feel safe to do so and if you find yourself overwhelmed with crappy spam then please don’t feel bad about taking the post down to save your sanity. I get it. And its’s OK. I appreciate any and all help, even if it’s just a bit of love sent through the ether.